Apply for a new card - Montgomery County Public Libraries

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Are you under 18, or applying for a card on behalf of your child who is under 18?

Customers under 18 must apply for a library card in person. Click here to learn how


Looking for one of our specialized card types?

Montgomery County Public Libraries offers several card types for unique situations, such as a household card, a business/institution card, and our Books @ Home accessibility service. At this time, customers must apply in person for most specialized card types, with the exception of Books @ Home. Click here to see the full list of options and how to apply


Where can I apply in person?

Please visit any of our branches to apply in person.


I already have an MCPL library card, and I would like to access a digital copy of my library card on my smartphone.

You can log into your account to view a digital copy of your library card at any time. If you have a Google Wallet or Apple wallet, you can also use this form to add your library card to your Google/Apple Wallet. (You must be logged in to access the form.)